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Do not take more than 1 cup a day because this loses weight too quickly if you search the internet, you will find numerous medicines to help you lose weight quickly.

However, the use of weight loss pills can cause us to experience adverse health effects. You can also gain weight again when you stop using the medicine.

To help you lose weight effectively, in this article we will show you how to make a natural drink that has a great effect on weight loss.

This drink helped a master from Spain to lose 9 kg after 21 days of use.

Weight gain and loss are gradual processes. Most people are not overweight from eating a lot in a short period of time, and although it is possible to lose weight quickly through quick diets or so-called miracle diets and a lot of exercises, the safest and healthiest way to lose weight is slowly, eventually.

Losing weight too quickly can be detrimental to our overall health and damages muscle mass.

How to make a natural drink that has a great effect on weight loss.

To make this drink we need the following ingredients :

  • a carrot
  • a tomato
  • a lemon
  • 100 milliliters of water

How to do it:

Step 1: cut the carrots and tomatoes into pieces small

Carrots and tomatoes contain many nutrients such as vitamin b1 vitamin c calcium and fiber all these substances have a contribution positive to assist the process of losing weight quickly thanks to the capacity improves metabolism and removes toxins in addition to experts think tomatoes work too very well to help the body reduce cholesterol.

Step 2: with the carrots tomatoes, and water in the blender and make the puree.

Finally, pour the mixture into a cup, add lemon juice, and use note every day should drink glass water after breakfast, for 20 minutes to get the best effect on the weight loss and reduction of cholesterol in the body. After three weeks of use, may lose completely from 7 to 9 kilograms, safely don’t forget to exercise at least 20 minutes a day, and have a diet scientific, keep away from the foods high in fat to lose faster weight.

I wish you a weight loss that is successful and keep always healthy until soon.