Mix Vaseline and Toothpaste and Watch What Happens

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If you want your face to look soft and feel like a baby’s skin, think harder and apply this fantastic toothpaste-based treatment and some Vaseline Believe us! The results are wonderful.

If you’ve never mixed toothpaste with Vaseline, don’t think about it and start doing so, as the benefits you’ll get from this will be so great that you’ll want to share them with all your family and friends.


1 tablespoon of toothpaste.
1 tablespoon of Vaseline


In a completely clean and dry container, you must add the spoonful of toothpaste together with the tablespoon of Vaseline, after this, you must mix very well until both ingredients form a kind of homogeneous paste.

How to use it:

1.- Before applying this infallible mixture, you must wash and dry the area to be treated very well, then with the help of your fingers or a small brush, you must apply the treatment directly on your skin, once there perform gentle massages and let it act for 5 to 10 minutes. Then wash and rinse with warm water.

2.- On the other hand, it is necessary to remember that you must repeat this treatment at least twice a week so that you can guarantee that your results are exactly what you expect.


This treatment works very well to remove stains, fine lines, and acne and you can even use it to make your feet feel much softer. In addition, with this mixture you can also make your heels soften a little Isn’t it amazing?