10 minutes a day is enough: how to lose weight and be fit

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Investing a short time a day to stay active will speed up your heart, tone your muscles and your metabolism will be ready to burn fat for longer

I’m sure you’ve also made an amendment and promised to do everything you can to improve your figure by the end of the summer. If it’s you. one of the many people whose lack of regular exercise, meals, alcohol, and overwork have wreaked havoc on their bodies and no longer wears a bathing suit as they used to do years ago, will have been conjured so that on the same day one of September his life will change radically. You will go on a diet and start exercising to get back or get the body you always wanted to have.

If so, we have two news to give you. Good news and bad news. The bad news is that unfortunately, the good intentions do not go beyond that, they are only good intentions. Unfortunately, we have a life accustomed to too fast a pace with excesses of labor and social commitments which makes it very difficult to change the routine that has led us to a bad physical condition. In addition, there are two other factors that play against us: the plans we make are very ambitious and within a few weeks, the reality of our day to day shows us the way back to our previous lifestyle. Another factor against him is that if he was waiting for day 1 to change he never will! If you really want to change you should start today, never do it next Monday or next month.

The good news is that changing your routines and getting in shape is a lot easier than you think. I’m sorry. If you really want to change, 10 minutes a day of intense exercise is enough, so you have no excuse. No equipment, no gym, no appliances of any kind. Just 10 minutes of time to quicken the heart, tone the muscles and speed up the metabolism to burn fat for longer each day.

Daily 10-minute training plan

You must perform all the exercises followed for ten minutes without rest between them:

Swedish jump or jump to the combat

The best way to warm up and increase the pulses from the first minute. If you can jump, do it for 1.5 minutes by encouraging faster jumps with slower jumps every ten to fifteen seconds. If you are not able to jump to the combat, do Swedish jump for one minute. Standing in a firm position, jump in place, without moving, spreading your legs laterally and moving your arms up and down along the side of the body.


Lying face down leaning on the tips of his feet and hands, his arms stretched out and his body straight as a board from head to feet. Descend slowly to stay a few inches from the ground and climb to the initial position quickly. Do as many reps as you can in 45 seconds.


If you want to accelerate fat burning you must work the largest muscles in your body, the quadriceps. The more muscle, the more calories you will need to consume throughout the day. Standing with your feet at the same height and separated from each other at the distance of your shoulders, slowly lower your buttocks, bending your knees (as if to sit), until the legs remain in a 90º position and ascend to the initial position quickly, even taking a jump, if you can. Do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds.


Stand on your back with your hands on a chair or bench, while you stretch your legs, moving your feet away from the chair as far as you can. In the initial position keep the arms erect and descend slowly, then climb up in a quick impulse. Perform as many repetitions as possible in 30 seconds.

Inverted Board Sit-Ups

Sit on the floor, face-up, support the soles of your feet and hands firmly to make a sort of inverted bridge. In the initial position with the buttock slightly raised from the ground, stretch the legs and hands, until your body forms a straight board from the head to the knees. Hold this position tight by squeezing the abdomen, buttocks, and hamstring for five seconds and gently lower the abdomen and buttocks to rest for three seconds. Repeat this movement twelve times.


Standing with one foot overtaking the other and knees slightly flexed, jump alternating one leg with another. Start with the right leg ahead and jump to delay this leg and fast the left. Make as many jumps as you can in 30 seconds.


To finish the series, this is the most hard’D exercise, but ideal to indicate our level and state of real form, as it is a mixture of strength-endurance and demanding anaerobic activity. In any case, the requirement is to put each one making the movements with greater or lesser speed and more or fewer repetitions.

On your feet, reach down to the squatting position, put your hands on the ground and jump backward to stay in the bottom position. We make a background, return to the squatting position and jump vertically to return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise as many times as we can in 1 minute.

After the exercises and without rest, we repeat the whole series, until we complete the ten minutes. Write down the number of series you are able to do in the ten minutes and the number of repetitions of each exercise. As the weeks go by, you should be able to increase the number of repetitions and the number of exercises in those same ten minutes.