7 Signs of Cervical Cancer Every Woman Must Know

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This is a fact that every woman should know: Cervical cancer is usually fatal. Although statistics on this type of cancer are frightening, cervical cancer (also known as cervix or cervix) can be prevented and treated if it is detected early.

Cervical cancer is most commonly caused by HPV or human papillomavirus, which is highly contagious. This virus is an STI (sexually transmitted infections) and comes in many types, but only some cause cervical cancer. An HPV infection may go away on its own or cause abnormal growth of cells that can lead to cervical cancer.

Signs of cervical cancer may not be as obvious or apparent as breast cancer, but there are ways to detect signs. Contact a gynecologist immediately if you notice:

  1. Unusual secretion of blood
    When cancer begins to grow inside the cervix, the cells in the wall of the uterus begin to dissolve, leading to watery secretion.
  2. Warts or chains
    According to gynecologist Rosa María Leme, “The appearance of small warts (external or internal) serves as a red alert… of diseases such as HPV, which can greatly increase the chances of cervical cancer in women.”
  3. Pain or bleeding
    Cervical cancer grows on the walls of the cervix that can dry out and even break down the walls, causing discomfort and bleeding. There may also be rectal or bladder bleeding. Any bleeding outside your menstrual period should be investigated.
  4. The treatment of anemia
    If your eating habits have not changed and you still feel fatigued, or if your heart accelerates after normal effort, you may be experiencing symptoms of anemia. Anemia can be caused by abnormal bleeding, which often accompanies cervical cancer.
  5. Problems with the urinary system
    Because of the swelling of the cervix, the bladder and kidneys can be compressed, blocking the passage of urine. As a result, you may not be able to completely empty your bladder, causing pain and/or a urinary tract infection.
  6. Persistent pain in the legs, hips, or back
    As part of the swelling of the cervix, blood vessels can also be compressed, making it difficult for blood to reach the pelvis and legs, causing pain and swelling in the legs and ankles.
  7. Loss of weight
    Most forms of cancer decrease or even suppress appetite. Inflammation of the cervix can compress the stomach, resulting in decreased appetite and weight loss.

Note that these symptoms do not necessarily mean cervical cancer. Only a doctor can make that diagnosis. There are risk factors for the development of HPV, and they can be contacted by men and women.

The most commonly known risk factors for cervical cancer are:

-Smoking or inhalation of secondhand smoke

-Having multiple sexual partners

-Having unprotected sex

-Having a weak immune system

Because STI is the most common cause of cervical cancer, it is good to be aware of the signs and symptoms of HPV. In addition, preventive tests such as a Pap smear may help detect early cervical cancer. Such preventive examinations (such as a Pap smear) should be annual. If you want to delve further into this topic, I invite you to read the following articles.