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Unspecific lumbalgia or low back pain are one of the most common causes of consultation, in primary care centers and in physiotherapy consultations, fortunately or unfortunately, the pharmacological treatment does not obtain great results as far as lumbalgia is concerned, this can be, in part, to the fact that there is often a perpetuating mechanical factor, also supported by bad postural hygiene, bad habits and a biomechanical imbalance, because of this often the work of the patient at home and the education of the physiotherapist can be essential in the resolution of the problem. In this infographic, we show you some exercises that will help you start taking care of yourself.

1. Stretching of hamstrings and posterior leg chain

The hamstring musculature is one of the most important when stretching, these muscles are often shortened by postural causes such as the continuous sitting position, which we maintain continuity in the current way of life. The shortening of these muscles is of great importance in the position of the pelvis and spine and may cause or facilitate future pathologies such as arthritis or lumbar hernias. In this video, we show you not only the stretching of these muscles but of the entire physiological chain to which they belong.

2. Auto massage of adductors for lumbalgia

Adductor muscles are intimately related to the position of the pelvis and lumbar spine, because of this it is very important to keep them in mind when treating lumbalgia. Through this massage, we will try to reduce tension and relax the hip adductor muscles, which also favor the anteversion of the pelvis (forward pelvis vasculature)

3. Reprogramming of the adductor muscles for lumbalgia

The adductor muscles are responsible for approximating the lower limbs to the middle line of the body, besides they have great importance in the position of the pelvis, and therefore of the lumbar spine, in addition to specific sports such as swimming and football. A state of weakness or lack of coordination of these muscles can secondarily result in multiple pathologies such as Pubic Osteopathy, lumbar or knee pathologies.

4. Mobilization exercise for low dorsal kyphosis

Relax the spine especially the high back-lumbar areas Dandole more mobility to this area we manage the excess of movement typical of the lower lumbar area. Through the inspiring apnea that is performed in the initial phase of the exercise, we are able to protect the lumbar area from the excessive extension.

5. Combined stretching of psoas and hamstrings

The joint stretching of these muscles will help you to save time in your daily routine, as they are fundamental structures to stretch daily, given their importance in the functions of joint movement and postural control, also the correct coordination between these antagonistic muscles in their function in the hip, will allow you a daily life and practice sports more effective avoiding also possible injuries.

6. Stretching of hamstrings with lumbar support in lumbalgia

Stretching hamstrings is easy and anyone knows how to do it, but stretching them correctly and without cheating and compensations harmful to the lumbar is much more complex and requires to begin with control of the pelvic scale movements and some flexibility of the lumbar spine.

Therefore, in this exercise, we propose to do a stretch in a more passive way in which it is the foam roller that will avoid the compensation of the lumbar and deepen in the stretching of the hamstrings without doing compensation.

The fact of stretching in a lying position will decrease the muscle tone on the one hand and reduce the load on the other.

This stretch will, therefore, serve to work the proper hamstring muscles but also for the treatment of lumbar problems in which the lumbar rectification and the retroversion of the pelvis have an important role or can be described.

7. Self-massage for buttocks and pyramidal with the ball in the lumbalgias

We teach you how to treat your gluteal area in a simple and very effective way, this area is subjected to multiple tensions both dynamic and postural and sometimes in conditions of lack of strength, With this massage you will contribute to improving the condition of these muscles by improving or avoiding typical injuries of these muscles such as lumbar pains, trigger points or pyramidal syndromes or pelvitrocanterea musculature.