Causes of red spots on the skin

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You may have noticed that you have some red spots on your skin, but in order to treat them first, you will need to know why they come out.

You may have suddenly realized that you have a series of spots on your skin. The first thing you have to do is not worry too much because it may be nothing. However, it is good to look for the characteristics of these stains to see what they can be.

If you have some red spots on your skin we recommend you look exactly as they are. Red spots can be by their relief in three ways. They can be totally flat, somewhat elevated, or quite elevated, which contain liquid. They can also be small, medium, that is up to 5 millimeters or large, which are already several centimeters long. Finally, due to their duration, they may last for a short time or remain chronic.

Once you know what these red spots look like, you can think it’s because of one reason or another. Here we leave you a series of causes of these red spots:

Atopic dermatitis

Also known as atopic eczema this disease usually appears in the early years of life although it may also arise in adults. On many occasions, even children who suffer from it stop doing so when they begin their adult life. However, if it doesn’t happen like this, there’s nothing you can do, because it’s a disease that has no cure.

It has no concrete causes, simply appearing these spots on the skin, usually in areas of folds like the elbow or knee. Symptoms of these spots are intense itching and dry or cracked skin. In addition, these red spots appear that are usually like a union and look more like redness of the skin than distinct spots themselves.

Contact dermatitis

This other type of dermatitis is due to the skin becoming irritated but this time due to its contact with some type of substance. These substances may be some that cause irritation to almost everyone or anyone to whom the patient is allergic. It happens for example with jewelry, latex, soaps, leather, etc.

Symptoms look a lot like atopic dermatitis. That is, redness on the skin with an intense itch and even small blisters on the skin can appear.

seborrheic dermatitis

This type of dermatitis usually occurs in people who have the fattest skin. What happens is that excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands occurs and they produce this type of red spots on the skin.

Symptoms are similar to those of other dermatitides. That is red spots with intense itching. But also this particular type can cause desquamation in parts of the body such as the face or scalp.


This disease occurs in approximately 20% of the world’s population. Most commonly, it arises from an allergic reaction. Common causes include medicines, certain foods such as milk, shellfish or nuts, insect bites, some plants, or substances such as pollen, animal hair, or chemicals. Still, it may also be due to a nonallergic symptom. It can occur from excess heat or cold, excessive physical exercise, parasites, or viral or bacterial infections.

The typical red spots of hives are intense itching, with a certain relief and are usually round. In addition, there are usually several joints forming large spots. It is not a major disease. It usually goes away in a few days so there’s not too much to worry about.

Pink Pityriasis

This disease does not have a well-defined cause. Studies conclude that it appears due to some family transmission viruses. However, it is not a contagious disease. It begins with one or a few round, oversized spots, about two centimeters. Then start other spots but smaller all over the body.

These stains also take a long time to disappear. They usually last from 1 to 3 months and in that time new stains may arise. In addition, with the passage of time, the center of the spots tends to become softer than the outside.

The inter wheat

This infection is caused by Candida fungus. It usually affects areas of the body where we find contact between two skin, such as the breasts, groin, armpits, or scrotum. This happens because in these areas sweat is usually produced and heat builds up so it is easier for fungi to spread.

The red spots of this disease are usually several together and form larger spots. In addition, there are small spots around the spots and they are quite itchy.

The dermatophytosis

Also popularly known as tinea this disease is usually caused by a fungus, specifically may be Trichophyton, Microsporum or Epidermophyton. It is also a contagious disease and can be transmitted by certain tissues that share two or more people such as towels or sheets.

These red spots may appear on certain parts of the body, usually in areas with hair such as the scalp, beard, or genitals, and are also common in feet and nails. These stains are large and oval around the affected area. In addition, they need to be treated as soon as possible so that they do not expand.

The scabies

This disease, known as scabies, is a contagious infection that spreads through physical contact. The cause of it is a mite, specifically the Sarcopter. The main symptoms are these red spots that usually cause itching. The spots with very small, like spots but with relief.

The bites of mosquitoes

They are the least serious cause that we have explained to you and also the most common. Sometimes we worry with certain red spots on the skin and it turns out that maybe it was just a string. These spots are rounded and raised. As the name says, they also cause itching in the affected area. They usually appear within a few minutes after the mosquito has bitten and can take up to two days to disappear.

And here concludes our list. There may be more possible causes of red spots on the skin but these are already less common. Still, keep in mind that the internet is not a hospital and that if you are really worried and the spots continue the best thing you can do is go to a specialist to see what happens to you.