Cinnamon Tea For Slimming

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How to make cinnamon tea to lose weight. Read this and stop suffering from those extra kilos!. This type of cinnamon tea for weight loss is one of the best recipes already known and proven by many.

You’re looking forward to losing weight. Then, you should elaborate on this method very well through healthy eating, constantly doing physical activity and without magic formula much. It is known, that exist, natural elements that happen to be useful at this time, such as cinnamon tea to burn fat.

This type of tea is not about eating something forbidden or a rigorous diet. If not that, it is 100% natural procedure, ie 100% natural cinnamon tea, which has excellent ingredients for your body. To have good results it is advisable to take cinnamon tea in the morning and at night, at least 2 times a week.

Benefits of Cinnamon Slimming Tea

Want to know more? Just check our post on How to lower the belly with a cinnamon tea! Then this will be a delicious recipe to detoxify your belly, at the same time helps you to purify your body and end the inflammations. To lose abdominal fat and get a flat belly, it is advisable to get eating habits. Among the natural products, we can find cinnamon, as it is an excellent ally for burning fat.

Below are included all the benefits of cinnamon tea ingredients for slimming. Each time, there are many people who are fighting body fat in the body, looking for a method to lose weight.


Garlic is an excellent ally for those who seek to lose weight with garlic, a very useful way to achieve losing that extra kilo. Garlic is good for circulation, besides, you give more energy and strengthens the immune system. If you have that extra kilo and want to lose abdominal fat quickly, we invite you to read Black Tea to lose weight


A good way to lose weight with lemon is that every day there are many people who opt for these excellent remedies. Lemon helps to stimulate immunity, detoxifies the body and fights infections, among so many other properties of lemon; you can also make some cinnamon and lemon infusions and drink it in the morning and evening.


Cinnamon, at the same time, is known to be extremely rich in antioxidant properties, helps reduce blood sugar levels and fights infections. I love cinnamon water in the staff, I like to drink it in the morning as I find it easier to swallow. Note that there are no side effects in cinnamon, you can take it as much as you want.

Cinnamon Tea To Burn Fat


Benefits of the hibiscus
You may have never heard about the properties of Hibiscus, while this helps in the reduction of fat, in the digestion process, prevents fluid retention, so it improves bowel function and, Consequently, it accelerates its thinning.

we invite you to read Miracle Infusion to burn fat quickly

Cinnamon Tea Slimming Recipe

Good now ben that each of our readers already understands the function of each of the natural ingredients, that is why we recommend you to make cinnamon tea to lower, has come the best time to learn how to make cinnamon tea for fat burning and facilitate your slimming process. Shall we start?


  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 1 lemon cut into slices
  • 2 sticks of cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of dried hibiscus
  • 1 liter of water

How to Prepare Cinnamon Tea to Burn Fat

  • Let’s start first by boiling only the water. Then, add the chopped garlic cloves and the 2 pieces of cinnamon.
  • Then you will have to let the apple boil for about 8 to 10 minutes and, place now the pieces of hibiscus and lemon. Then, turn off the heat.
  • Then you should allow this mixture to rest for about 10 minutes and finally drink this cinnamon tea.

Recommendations of Cinnamon Tea

  • It is recommended that each person consume cinnamon tea in the morning on an empty stomach. What’s leftover can be drunk up to 30 minutes before lunch and if you wish you can drink cinnamon tea at dinner. Someone else would rather take a few teaspoons of honey with cinnamon.
  • It is worth remembering that your stomach may react badly, then, pass to take the first cup about 60 minutes after the first meal of your day.
  • The infusion is wonderful to detoxify your body, accelerating your thinning.
  • It is recommended to take 30 consecutive days. Upon completion of this time, give an interval of 15 days and repeat the process again.