Exercises for thinner, toned thighs

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To achieve the desired effects we must be constant with these exercises. As we get to practice we can add more series or more repetitions to improve results

Do you want to have thinner, firmer thighs? Would you like to minimize cellulite? This part of the body tends to accumulate fat, and when working it is often very difficult to thin and firm.

In order to show off perfect legs free of flaccidity, it is very important to adopt a good routine of localized exercises that strengthen the thighs, eliminate fat and gain muscle mass.

Of course, results can be delayed and continued efforts are required to achieve effective results and to show desired legs.

As one of the great excuses for not exercising is not having time or money to attend a gym frequently, today we will share a series of exercises for the thighs, which can be done without leaving home. Are you ready to take on the challenge?

Exercises for thinner thighs

1. Sit-ups :

Sitting is a very effective exercise to work the legs and buttocks as, in addition to helping to burn localized fat, they also help tone and reduce cellulite.

Stand up straight, with your legs separated to the width of your shoulders, your right torso and your arms to the front or back of your neck.
Bend your knees while lowering your buttocks as much as you can, keeping your torso erect.
Now go up and down until you complete 3 series of 20 repetitions each.
If you want to increase the intensity, you can make this same move but holding a couple of dumbbells.

Another option is to make the same position, the same downward movement but, when climbing, include a jump. In this case, he only performs 15 repetitions per series.

2. Stride

With or without weights, this exercise is ideal for toning thighs and buttocks. It takes focus and effort, but it’s worth a try.

  • Stand with your back straight and shoulders well aligned. Your chest should be facing outwards looking forward and your arms to the sides.
  • Now step forward with your right leg and bend your knees until your left leg is almost touching the ground.
  • Return to the initial position and repeat the movement with the opposite leg, alternating until completing 10 or 15 repetitions with each.

3. Raising leg

There are several ways to do leg lifting to work in this specific area and achieve thinner thighs.

On this occasion, we share the side version that demands a little more and offers better results.

  • Lie on your right side, on a carpet or mattress for exercise, resting with your elbow while your hand holds your head.
  • Raise your leg as high as you can in the direction of the roof and try to raise it a few seconds before returning to the initial position.
  • Perform 10 repetitions, rest and complete 3 series with each leg.

4. Elevations with ball

To do this exercise you must stay focused. The idea is to pick up the ball and not drop it during repetitions.

You will feel a slight pressure on your legs while working. That discomfort will tell you that you are doing very well.

  • Lie on your back, on a carpet or mat, with your arms folded or your head resting in your hands.
  • Place a ball between your legs, stretch them as much as you can and try to raise them to the ceiling, making sure to use only the strength of the hips and buttocks.
  • Carefully lower your legs and try to do 3 series of 15 repetitions.

5. Stretched out scissors

The exercise of scissors has different variation according to the posture of the body to be adopted and the movement to be repeated.

We recommend lying scissors. These are special for working and toning body parts such as thighs and buttocks.

  • Lie on your back with your arms placed on the sides of your body, stretch your legs and lift them between 10 and 15 centimeters above the ground.
  • Contracting the abdomen and pressing the inner thighs, crosses the legs imitating a scissor movement, trying to hold the position for 8 seconds.
  • Performs between 6 and 8 repetitions.

How about these exercises to get thinner and firmer thighs?