What are the benefits of good flexibility

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The benefits of good flexibility include improved performance, reduced risk of injury, helps manage stress and improves relaxation. It is essential to establish appropriate stretching techniques, not only to increase your flexibility but to avoid injuries. As with any exercise program, talk to your doctor before starting stretching exercises.

Improves the performance

Greater flexibility in your joints and muscles can improve your overall performance at work and sports. Having strong, flexible muscles can help lift objects, bend over and move. Flexibility allows you to perform your daily tasks without getting tired as much as a person who has less strength and flexibility. Your performance on the playing field or dance floor will improve if you have greater flexibility in your limbs.

Fewer injuries

Flexibility improves your range of motion and a full range of motion helps maintain balance and decreases the risk of falls. Flexibility allows muscles and joints to be stretched and curved, reducing muscle injuries and sprains. In general, increased flexibility decreases injury irrigation.

It relieves the stress

Flexibility increases through stretching exercises that in turn relax the muscles. Flexible muscles are less tense and stress is reduced.

Gain good flexibility

Develop a stretching routine and exercises that incorporate stretching. Look for options to do while driving or at work. Learning tai chi will help you focus on stretching movements that help you increase your flexibility. Yoga postures stretch the muscles, incorporating strength and flexibility.

Stretch to achieve flexibility

Start your stretching exercises with the heating of 5 to 10 minutes. Never stretch before heating your muscles. A casual walk as you swing your arms forward and backward causes your blood to circulate through your muscles.

Stretch at least 30 minutes a day, three times a week. Start each routine slowly. Remember to breathe while stretching, never hold your breath. Do not stretch too much, as you could tighten the muscles. Keep each stretch for 10 to 30 seconds and don’t swing while doing it.

If time is a factor, consider stretching immediately after taking a shower or bath, when the temperature of your muscles rises from hot water. It stretches right after you get out of bed every morning. Reaching the ceiling, on tiptoes and leaning side to side can increase your flexibility.


Some stretches you may consider incorporating into your routine include calf stretches (Calf stretch), hamstring muscles (hamstring stretch), quadriceps (quadriceps stretch), hip flexors (quadriceps stretch), iliotibial band (iliotibial band stretch), knee to chest (Knee-to-Chest stretch), shoulder (shoulder stretch), shoulder with towel (shoulder stretch with towel), neck (Neck stretch) and thoracic (Chest stretch).

Find a professional trainer to learn the proper technique for any unknown stretch.