10 Cough Home Remedies

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Cough and sore throats are one of the conditions that most overwhelm people on a daily basis. Many people follow their daily routine with these annoying symptoms. And I call them “symptoms” because they’re a sign of the flu, common cold, or likely infection. This can be followed by nasal drips or phlegm.

Health statistics in the United States indicate that 75% of them end up being viral. The other 25% are usually allergies, infections, reflux, or irritation in the nasal mucosa, as is the case in places where the climate is so aggressive that the mucosa dries. The good news is, there is help in natural remedies to be able to attack cough and sore throat.

What is a cough?

La tos es una manera en que tu cuerpo reacciona para mantener despejadas tu garganta y vías respiratorias y a su vez es un síntoma de algún padecimiento. Puede ser, seca o con flema.

How do I know what kind of cough I have?

There is a regular classification of the types of cough that may occur to you according to the length of time:

acute cough:

It starts suddenly and is usually a symptom of a cold or flu. Almost always, in two or three weeks it has already healed.

Sub-acute cough:

It maintains the same characteristics as the previous one but is usually postponed up to 8 weeks.

Chronic cough:

Chronic cough lasts for longer than 8 weeks.

Causes of the cough:

The causes of cough can be diverse, but the best known are:

  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Asthma
  • Pulmonary emphysema
  • Common cold
  • Flu
  • Pneumonia
  • Sinusitis

How’s the sore throat?

The sore throat starts in the tube that is attached to your mouth, esophagus, and larynx. What you know as the throat is nothing more than the pharynx, hence the sore throat is clinically referred to by doctors as pharyngitis.

What can cause a sore throat?

If your throat hurts, it’s most likely because of:

  • Flu or cold
  • Allergies
  • Strep infection
  • Mononucleosis
  • Smoking
  • Tonsillitis
  • Inhale irritant substances

How to Remove Sore Throat with Home Remedies

At first, I told you, the good news is that there are natural remedies that can fix your cough and sore throat.

So, you don’t need to go to drugs. So I invite you to try these options below:

Olive leaf
The olive leaf has a stimulating action on your immune system since ancient times has been used for this purpose. The extract of its green leaves will be useful to soothe the sore throat.

Use: Boil. liter of water and add in it 10 crushed olive leaves. Let stand, filter, and take still warm. Ideally, take 1 cup in the morning and another in the afternoon.

Turmeric contains in its composition a yellow pigment that has an anti-inflammatory action that will help deflate the throat and airways. Which is why eating it will relieve your cough and sore throat.

Use: Boil. liter of water and add 1 teaspoon with turmeric powder. Let stand and take two cups a day.

Oxygenated water
I’m sure since I was a little girl you’ve seen how hydrogen peroxide has been used by your mother and grandmother to clean your wounds. That’s because it’s an antiseptic. So, allow me to recommend it to you to combat bacteria that cause infections.

Usage: Fill a mat and drop in your ear, allow it to act for 5 minutes. You will feel a bubbling or you will start to itch, do not despair that it is normal. Then, do the same in the other ear.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C acts as an enhancer of your immune system. It is also closely related to the processes of regeneration and development of your body’s cells. In the case of cold, flu or respiratory infections is very helpful. Try to consume it naturally so that your body assimilates it better than drugs.

Use: There are a number of vegetables, vegetables, and fruits that can provide it, such as:

  • Kiwi. This citrus fruit is separated from the rest because, although it seems incredible, it contains a lot of vitamin C. It also has vitamin E, folic acid, polyphenols, and carotenoids. That is why the kiwi is able to reduce the time of the cold and infections, as well as eliminate the discomfort of the sore throat.
  • Other citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, grapefruit, partita, or passion fruit.
  • Red pepper.
  • Cruciferous as broccoli, Brussels sprouts.
  • Pumpkins and pumpkins.
  • Papaya.
  • Sweet potato.
  • Tomatoes.

Apple vinegar
This natural acid has an antibacterial action, is astringent and flame retardant. Therefore, it is ideal for relieving soreness and irritation of the throat.

Use: Prepare a solution of two parts of water by one of apple vinegar. Gargle with this solution two to three times a day to relieve yourself.

Garlic is full of components capable of giving you health. This small has antimicrobial, fungicidal, and antiviral action. So, whatever your evil, garlic will help you fight it, because of its multiple actions.

Use: Crush garlic and put it on your tongue while letting its oil permeate your throat. You can also chew a tooth bit by bit.

Lemon juice has always been an ally for colds because of its high content of vitamin C. In addition, it is ideal to combat infections caused by viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

Use: If your throat is irritated, sprinkle ǐ lemon with salt and suck the juice that comes out of it. You will see how it relieves your sore throat.

Another alternative is to combine the action of lemon with cayenne pepper, known to help decongest the airways:

  • You can make an infusion with the juice of 1 lemon and a touch of cayenne pepper.
  • You can also make lemonade with a little cayenne pepper.

Licorice is a well-known spice and used as a natural remedy. Many generations have used it to combat sore throats. Like garlic, it has multiple functions such as antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory.

Use: In a small pot boil a cup of water, pour in it 1 teaspoon of licorice, boil for 5 minutes, lower the heat, rest, filter and take. Also, you can make gargles with the licorice root extract. This will give you great relief.

Raw honey
Honey is one of the best accepted natural remedies by people, as it is to everyone’s taste. Without forgetting that this natural delight is able to strengthen your immune system, which helps you to cope with various health problems. In turn, honey has anti-inflammatory action and is able to relieve cough and congestion caused by phlegm.

Use: If you consume a teaspoon of honey three times a day you will get great relief.

Chicken stock
Chicken broth has been shown to be effective in reducing the effects of colds, as well as fluidizing the phlegm of the bronchi and comforting the body of people suffering from flu, cold or respiratory disease. Not to mention that due to its content of cortisone stimulates the immune system and is anti-inflammatory.

Use: Make a chicken broth with the chicken bones as you would commonly do. In addition, mash a few black peppercorns and sprinkle in the broth. This will increase moisture in the mouth and throat. Also, it is very useful for you to lower fever and calm pain.